
Monday, December 24, 2012

Aleigha's birth story (Part 1 of 3)

I’ve wanted to write about Aleigha’s birth story for a few weeks; however, exhaustion, feeding issues, and my return to online teaching prevented me from posting. Now that I am on Christmas break, I wanted to share my birth story. Since I was in labor for over 50 hours, this is a long story and I am going to post it in three installments. 

To all who were praying for the safe delivery of our little daughter, thank you!

Aleigha Faith Heki was born at 7:21 AM on Sunday, September 16. She weighed 5 lbs 15.6 ounces and was 19.5" in length.

We planned to have our little girl at the  NOVA Natural Birth center in Chantilly. The midwives, midwives in training, and birth assistants are wonderful, and I am grateful for their care.

My contractions started at 2 am on Friday, September 14. I labored at home for the next twelve hours. Although I tried to sleep through the contractions, I was not able to. The timing of contractions was irregular, and most of them were less than 5 minutes apart. We called the midwife throughout the day to report the progress, and twelve hours after labor started we left for the Center.

Checking in!
Friday, 3:15 pm
After 12 hours
We checked into the Center and brought our things into the birthing room. I was excited to think that we would soon meet our little girl! When we settled in, the midwives did a cervical check to see how dilated I was—I was 100% effaced but only 2-3 centimeters dilated. After being in labor all day I was disappointed that I had not dilated more. But, I knew that previous labor is not an indication of future progress, so I continued to labor and prayed that our little girl would come soon.

My Last Meal
Friday, 5 pm
After 14 hours in labor
The midwife told me I could (and should) eat and drink. Even though I didn’t feel like eating, I ate a chicken sandwich that my mom brought. Forty minutes later, the contractions became more intense and I….lost every last morsel of chicken sandwich; I didn’t feel like eating much afterwards, but was encouraged—my body was expelling everything in to prepare for the baby!

Slowing down...and picking up
Friday, 8:45 pm
After 18.75 hours in labor

Then, labor began to slow down, and the midwives gave me a choice of using natural remedies to stimulate labor or sleep. Since I had not slept much since labor started, I opted to sleep. And then, my contractions started to become stronger again.

She might come...any minute!
Friday 10:45 pm – Saturday 3 am
After 20.75 – 25 hours in labor

So, I labored in the bathroom for about 4 hours, but the time actually passed quickly. My wonderful husband never left my side as I breathed (and groaned) through contractions. Yes, groaning really does help manage the pain.

In between contractions, I heard one of the midwives mention “transition.” I was encouraged since transition marks the final moments of dilation before the “urge to push.” I’ve heard and read that transition lasts only about 10 minutes to an hour, so I leaned on Jason and labored on.  

Our daughter would probably be born before the morning!  And this is the worst part of labor—it will soon be over! 

Oops...false alarm
Saturday, 3 am
After 25 hours in labor

I never felt the urge to push and my contractions slowed down again. The midwives asked me if I minded a cervix check. I agreed to be examined; I wanted to know how “close” I was to giving birth.

But, my husband did not want me to know how much I dilated so I would not be discouraged with my lack of “progress.” In retrospect, this was a wise decision since I was only at 5 cm.

Floatin' in the Birthing Tub
Saturday, 3:30 am – 5:00 am
After 25-27 hour in labor
Shortly after the cervix check, the midwives finished filling the large birthing pool so I could labor in water. In the last few months of pregnancy, when I thought about laboring in water, I imagined that it would be a pleasant, relaxing experience. And, the tub did look peaceful. The midwives dimmed the overheard lights even more, turning on the tub light and tinting the pool a peaceful hue of blue.

When I climbed into the bath, I discovered that laboring in water was not as pleasant as I imagined. I tried to relax anyway through contractions and rest. Jason climbed into the tub with me, and I leaned against him. With each contraction, I remembered what I read in Ina May’s book and imagined the “rushes” bringing me closer and closer to meeting my baby. But I was becoming discouraged. Clinging to Jason, I cried and cried, desperately wanting labor to end. I was exhausted, simply from being awake for so long. And, the ache in my abdomen was extraordinary.

I don’t know how, but I guessed that I was at 5 cm. Turning to Jason I moaned, “how can I be in labor for so long? I am probably only at 5 cm!?” He didn’t deny or affirm my guess, but I could tell I was right.

This is pretty much what labor felt like. ;-)
Jason continued to comfort me and encourage me to take each contraction “one at a time.” What does labor feel like? Well, several women have told me that a contraction is like a menstrual cramp—not true! I've had cramps, painful ones, that felt nothing like a contraction. A contraction feels like a powerful hand that slowly squeezes the inside of of the stomach. Or, each contraction feels like severe constipation, nausea, and the stomach flu—all condensed into about a minute.

When Jason needed a restroom break, my mom came and sat on the edge of the tub. She told me that if Jason needed a nap, she could stay with me. I knew Jason needed sleep, but I couldn’t bear the thought of his leaving my side. The thought of him leaving left me fearful. I couldn’t labor without him. Yes, I felt a little childish and selfish, but in that moment, I needed him. When he returned from the restroom, I begged him not to leave, and he assured me that he would not leave my side.

During my time in the tub, I felt an incredible sense of fear and despair. Despair that I would never come to the point of delivering our baby. Fear that the pain would grow too intense.  I think that was the only time I felt like I was losing my resolve to give birth naturally. Without my husband's encouragement, I might have wanted to given up. 

Soon, the midwives came in and announced that everyone needed to go to sleep and rest.

Merry Christmas Eve! More to come...

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